Week 4 – September 30, 2015


Why Videos Go Viral


  1. What three things cause a video to go viral?
  2. Do you think other things will cause a video to go viral?

Citizen Journalism



  1. What does the Ted Talk on Citizen Journalism reveal about how social media reveals the truth, that might otherwise be hidden?
  2. How has Paul Lewis used social media to help him with his investigative journalism? How did Twitter help Paul Lewis and others investigate the death of a citizen at police hands?
  3. How did Paul Lewis use social media to get  witnesses to step forward in the death of a citizen at police hands?
  4. How did retweeting help Paul Lewis find witnesses to what happened to the refuge on the plane?  “Help me! I can’t breath.”
  5. What is Paul Lewis’ warning about citizen journalism?
  6. How has social media changed what journalist can find out, according to Paul Lewis and what does he urge all of us to do?

How Social Media Is Changing the News – Xaviar Damman

  1. According to Xaviar Damman why is 3000 reporters for the planet a problem?
  2. According to Damman How does social media affect human empathy and understanding in the news?
  3. What is Fox News reporting about Israel, that social media is refuting?
  4. What did social media reveal about the 2012 elections in the USA?
  5. Everyone on the internet has a voice, why is that a problem?
  6. What is the difference between a journalist and a reporter?
  7. Do large news organizations help us to make sense of what is on the internet?

Twitter as a News Source


  1. Did the Twitter founders intend for Twitter to become  apart of the news?
  2. Why did Twitter ultimately become apart of the news?

Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles


  1. What is a “filter bubble”?
  2. How does a filter bubble edit what people find and see on the web?
  3. Is it okay for the internet to show you what you want to see? Why or why not?
  4. Do you get too much “information junk food?”
  5. Which gatekeepers are best, human ones or algorhythmic ones?

The Problem with Click Bait


  1. Why can the internet be a really ugly place?
  2. Everything you blog, tweet, click on is important, why?
  3. Do you click on rumor mongering trash that is loud or nasty, and if so, why is this a problem?
  4. How do you  click responsibly?

Dumb Cheap, American News


  • How is American news coverage distorted?
  • Does Social Media improve this distortion, or make it worse?

What Do You Like? Facebook as Big Brother – You are Being Watched, Manipulated


  1. How did Target know the teen girl was pregnant before her parents did?
  2. What can Facebook figure out about people, based on what they post?
  3. Why did liking curly fries show that the likers were intelligent?
  4. Why can’t users control data the Facebook is using and collecting?
  5. Why is there an expression about social media that users are not the customer, they are the product. What does it mean?

Facebook- You can Check out Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave


  • How many faces are online and what can be learned about these faces?
  • How long will your digital tattoo be around?


  • Is it easy to get a photo of a picture taken down?
  • Why is facebook studying conflict resolution and rules of etiquette?
  • What has Facebook done to get people to get their friends to take unwanted photos?
  • Why is Facebook’s studying people’s interactions a little bit creepy?

Keeping Twitter Safe


Too much information can be a bad thing, how?

What is Geo data, and why is it dangerous?

What Google is up to (All kinds of Antics)


Can Open Source Change the World? Has it Already?


English 111 Weekly Article Summaries – TWO DUE THIS WEEK

Week 4 POP QUIZ!

In order to find topics in technology check out the research links below and Ted Talks

Research Links

Spring 2015 English 111 Weekly Journaling

Grammar and Vocabulary Journaling

Song Analysis – Irreplacable

New This Week

Shift Happens

Wealthy Inequality in America

Margaret Stewart Gould on Website Design

Jeremy Howard on Artificial Intelligence

Now Listen to Hal 9000 Dialogue Montage – It’s So Creepy!

Watch Below!

Larry Page on Google

Who’s Afraid of Google? (me)

5 Reasons to Fear Google

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