All posts by rgong25

Rachael- Research Paper Draft 1

Hey Professor,

I realize the formatting is off, but here is the first rough draft. Again, I didnt see requirements until it was too late so please let me know if I need to re-do it.

Thank you- Rachael


Rachael Eddinger                                                                                                                              Eddinger,1
Professor Amber Maiden
ENG 111
March 10,2015

Technology and the Written Word

“Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.”
― Stephen Fry

Oh technology, how I despise you at times. You have infiltrated my home, my school and now my library? I have accepted that you are an inevitable part of my life, but stay away from my books.The books that whisk me away to other worlds. Worlds where I have lived so many different lives.Worlds where I’ve known true love, despair and heroism. My books are my life-line. I know many may say that the books are still there. In fact, they are more accessible than they have ever been. While that may be true, you’ve taken the beauty of the printed word and turned it into something cold. I fear that I will no longer be able to feel the page between my fingers as I anxiously flip to the next portion of whatever story has my undivided attention at the time. No, now you have taken my books and turned them into something else entirely. Online readers cannot be truly swept away by a good story with the constant interruptions caused by social media, email and all of that other online garbage. So technology, stay away. You can have all the other stuff, but leave me my books.
While I’m sure that I am not the only one who thinks this way, there are many who would heartily disagree. Today’s technology has opened many doors for authors, readers and publishers alike. Authors can now write, market and publish their work online. Readers are able to find and buy any book they could ever dream of online. Publishers now have a larger, more accessible forum to find talented writers. All of this is good, right? Sure, it’s easier, but what is it doing to us as a whole? How have these e-books affected us economically? Will they render printed versions obsolete? Every area
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of the written word has been affected by technology. However, I wonder just how many people have looked extensively into the subject. Considering this is a research paper, I suppose finding the answers to these questions falls on me. So, let’s begin shall we?
The first area of this subject that I’d like to explore is publishing. Publishing has undergone some major changes in this technological era. Peter Osnos, an editor and writer for The Atlantic, had this to say about publishing in today’s world, “The biggest change in publishing, as with society in general, came with the arrival of computers.”(Osnos, The Atlantic) He is absolutely correct. While the computers of the ’80s weren’t a major threat to the publishing industry, what they are contending with today may be an entirely different story. The internet has opened up a world of possibilities for potential authors with the invention of blogs, websites such as Wattpad and most importantly, selfpublishing
websites. Sure, a lot of writers who try to self-publish see just how difficult the whole
publishing process is. However, that hasn’t stopped them from doing it. There are only 2,652 publishing companies in the United States. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, the job outlook for editors from 2012-22 is negative two percent. Dreaming of working at a publishing house? Considering this number even includes editors who work from home, you can go ahead and toss that dream out the window. I wonder how much technology had to do with that? I do have to praise technology on it’s affects on self-publishing, however. “EXLUSIVE Bowker data (released in advance of official reporting) shows that self-published output has grown by 422% over the past five years and is up 58% in the last year alone.”(Vinjamuri,

       Self-publishing can either work out fabulously or fail epically. Many writers who are self-publishing their work could use the help of an editor who could vastly improve their work. “ Publishers were unhappy with selfpublishing because readers were drowning in cheap, unedited books.”(Vinjamuri,
Surprisingly enough, despite the complaints of poor grammar, this growth in self-publishing has
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actually helped publishers in a way. Authors who have successfully self-published a best-seller are being recognized by traditional publishers who fear missing out on the next big thing. “IndieReader, reports that at least 18 self-published authors have signed traditional publishing contracts over the past year.”(Vinjamuri, Apparently when E.L. James’ self-published series-Fifty Shades of Grey- swept the nation, publishers began taking self-publishing much more seriously. So therein lies the real question. Will self-publishers render traditional publishers obsolete? Or will they simply adapt
to the challenges caused by the ever-improving technology available today?
The next major thing in this subject that technology has majorly effected is the face behind thebooks: the writers. The websites ,and apps, available for writers have impacted these books in an undeniably huge way. Whether you decide to write a blog, create a story on Wattpad or find freelance work on Elance, the opportunity to write is definitely there. Merely a decade ago none of this was possible. Hunting for freelance work was both time-consuming and many times, fruitless. Writing a story that reached thousands of people in a very small amount of time was quite literally impossible.
Blogging was not a term recognized in every day conversation. These changes have been extremely beneficial for the writing community. Between Tumblr, WordPress, Weebly and a few other sites, there are millions of blogs. That’s right millions! I’m sure Jane Austin and Mark Twain are turning over in their graves. Writing for mass amounts of people wasn’t so easy back then. While I’m sure we have all marked accessibility down as a positive of technology, in any field, there are many negative affects of this accessibility. As Vinjamuri stated in his article for, “..readers were drowning in cheap, unedited books.”(Vinjamuri, This is so true that I feel like jumping up and down
screaming “Yes! Someone, for the love of all things holy, edit these blogs and stories!” Some authors fail to realize that simply because they can post their work online without editing, doesn’t mean that they should. So many good stories have been ruined by the lack of readability. This is one of the downsides of Wattpad. I am a huge fan of this site. However as an a avid user and passionate reader it
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pains me to see good content destroyed by terrible grammar. With all of the technology available to aid writers in spotting and correcting these mistakes, it is a pity that more don’t use it. Of course with every negative there is almost always a positive to counteract it. “One of the greatest benefits of Wattpad is a direct connection between writers and 30 million readers, all over the world.” (Wattpad) From personal experience, I can tell you that while not everyone on Wattpad takes advantage of it, there are plenty of editors throughout the site. Considering there are 30 million readers, I would be highly disappointed if there were no editors to be found. All of this technology has played an exponential part in the evolution of writing. There are far too many aspects of writing for me to mention in one paper, so I will move on to my last point.
The most important part of this industry is the readers. They are the ones who determine what book will be a best-seller. They are the ones who decide the fate of these books. Will they become a national phenomenon? Or will they forever sit on a shelf covered in a layer of dust? Readers and writers are interdependent. Writers rely on their readers to give them feedback on their work. Authors who chose to base their entire career, their life, on writing depend on their readers to put money in the bank and food on the table. Readers trust their favorite authors to provide them with an escape, information or even an exciting adventure. They believe in a writer’s ability to dole out an amazing piece of work that will keep them riveted throughout it’s entirety.
So what has technology done for the average reader? It has given them the opportunity to read stories written by their peers. It has made buying their favorite books easier through E-books, Kindle and such. “Amazon said it sold 143 Kindle books for each 100 hardcover books last quarter. (Last month alone, it sold 180 e-books sold for every 100 hardcover books sold.)”(Yarrow,Business Insider) This number wasn’t surprising to me. With all of the technology available today, why wouldn’t readers by books online? It offers the luxury of having a library right there at your fingertips. This has been the most important thing technology has done for readers and this industry as a whole. It has ruined book

stores. It has diminished libraries. However, it has also made reading an even more accessible pastime.

        After extensive research into this subject, I discovered there was not as much data as I had hoped to find. However, it doesn’t take a large number of statistics to see how much technology has affected this industry. While I do see all of the positive affects, I still believe the negative outweigh them by far. The sloppiness of self-publishing, the questionable reliability in blogging and the lack of editing on sites like Wattpad have all been contributing factors in one of the most negative things of all. They have changed the way many readers think. Will we, as readers, settle for imperfect writing and bad story-lines? Will we let the never-changing romance stories take over? What happened to the great
minds of people like C.S. Lewis, or J.R. Tolkien? Do you really want my opinion on technology? Technology is a leech. If it was an isolated incident, it wouldn’t be very harmful, simply irritating. However, the more areas of our life we allow technology, the more it will drain from us. Technology ,in this industry in particular, has and will continue to affect the quality of books that will be produced in the future. It is my belief that the future generation will read less and less quality material. Technology is going to continue to corrupt the minds of younger generations until there is no semblance of
individual thought remaining. I, for one, refuse to relinquish my books. Technology may be a part of every aspect of my life, but it will never replace the classic stories that I have proudly stored in my home.

             “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,      the more places you’ll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Rachael Eddinger

Professor Amber Maiden

ENG 111

March 12,2015

Works Cited

“All You Need Are Words.” Write on Wattpad. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

“Book Sales Statistics.” – Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Book Store Sales Numbers Annual Update. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

“Occupation Profile: Editors – Virginia Education Wizard.” Occupation Profile: Editors – Virginia Education Wizard. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.


“Summary.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

Vinjamuri, David. “Is Publishing Still Broken? The Surprising Year In Books.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 04 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

Yarow, Jay. “How Many Kindle Books Has Amazon Sold? About 22 Million This Year.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 20 July 2010. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

Professor Maiden Contact Info?

Mrs. Maiden,

I was looking for an email or something that I can send my research paper draft to. My son is sick so I am going to miss class tonight and don’t want to turn the paper in late. Also I didn’t see the topics or requirements until after my paper was already finished so did you want a completely re done paper on one of those topics? My email is or I can upload it on here if that would be easier. Please let me know..thank you -Rachael Eddinger

Article Summary #8- Rachael

Rachael Eddinger

Group One

February 18,2015


Article Source Information

Title: “Kelsey Myers on Diane Suess’ ‘Turd'”

Author: Kelsay Myers

Website: In Present Tense:Assay’s Blog

Date Written: January 26, 2015

Date Accessed: February 18, 2015


Article Summary

In this part of this blog’s “My Favorite Essay to Teach” series, this author really nails it. Aside from being an writer, she is also an artist. In this article she boasts about her “..writing mentor,Diane Seuss,” and her essay “Turd.” Naturally upon seeing the title of the essay I was interested. It’s hard to imagine an essay with that title being anything short of hilarious. However, this author makes it a point to mention just how wrong that assumption is. She tells her readers to “make no is a serious piece of writing.” She proceeds to talk about the essay’s popularity amongst her students. Apparently it is very easy to relate to. This causes her students to become fascinated with not only the essay, but also the discussion that comes soon after. This author concludes her article by discussing why she likes to use this essay in her classroom. In her words, “I want to shock my students. I want to unbalance them and expand their ideas of what’s possible in writing and in literature. I want to show them how to be just as fearless in what they choose to write about and in how they go about doing it.”

My Opinion

I think this article is absolutely brilliant. The author is obviously a great writer and teacher. I love that she uses essays such as “Turd” to shock her students. Not many teachers have this sort of passion for their work; I have met a few who do, however it is much too rare. I think students need teachers who, like this author, challenge them to go beyond their comfort zone. It not only helps them to ” expand their ideas,” but it also makes it easier for them to truly enjoy the class. For example, I am a big fan of the song analysis that we do in class. By turning something we like, i.e. music, into something we can learn from, we are able to enjoy our course more. Although I am well aware of the fact that college is meant to be difficult, I believe this form of teaching would make more people want to continue their education after high school. Learning doesn’t have to be boring. With that being said, why do so many teachers stick to boring coursework? Having a classroom full of students who are bored to tears can’t be good for a teacher’s self-confidence. This article, and this class, have opened my eyes to some of the possibilities for spicing up otherwise boring material. When it comes to teaching, captivation is key. This author has gained one more captivated reader. “Turd” has definitely gained a place on my To-Read List. Hopefully, I won’t be the only person in this class to check it out!

Rhetorical Style

I would say the rhetorical style being used in this article is narration. The author is simply telling a story. She wrote about an essay that has impacted her life and her students lives. There is no concrete point. It is merely a narrative about an essay that her mentor had written.


Emily Blaine Article #8

Emily Blaine
Article Summary #8

We Didn’t Know


Kelly, Diane. “What We Didn’t Know about Penis Anatomy.”, Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.

Article Summary:

Kelly is talking about how she wanted to research the skeletons and how the penis works. She noted that when the penis is not in use, it is flexible and easy to bend. When it is time to be used for reproduction, it becomes ridged and hard to bend. When she started her research she was very interested in mammalian penis. So she started way back with the skeletons. But she isn’t talking about bones, she is talking about an earthworm, because, functionally, a skeleton is any system that supports tissue and transmits forces. And she already knew that animals like this earthworm, indeed most animals, don’t support their tissues by draping them over bones. Instead they’re more like reinforced water balloons. They use a skeleton that we call a hydrostatic skeleton. And a hydrostatic skeleton uses two elements. The skeletal support comes from an interaction between a pressurized fluid and a surrounding wall of tissue that’s held in tension and reinforced with fibrous proteins. And the interaction is crucial. Without both elements you have no support. If you have fluid with no wall to surround it and keep pressure up, you have a puddle. And if you have just the wall with no fluid inside of it to put the wall in tension, you’ve got a little wet rag.

So Kelly went ahead, collected wall tissue, prepared it so it was erect, sectioned it, put it on slides and then stuck it under the microscope to have a look. There’s an outer layer and an inner layer. Kelly found out that there was another way of arranging fibers in a hydrostatic skeleton, and that was with fibers at zero degrees and 90 degrees to the long axis of the structure. The thing is, no one had ever seen it before in nature. Kelly went around and was showing everyone, no one had ever seen anything like it. The fact that she was serious about the penis theory even scared her professor.

Critical Thinking:

When I clicked on this video I was honestly scared, I mean who doesn’t know about penis anatomy. But when I got into the video and listened to what Kelly was saying, it made so much sense for someone to research it. I mean no one ever thinks twice about a penis, most people know what they are used for. If it is not urinating or reproducing , it’s just hanging there. Honestly the way that this just popped in her head, blows me away. In the end it is good research and Kelly did a great job. I hope more men watch this, so they know these things about their penises.

Rhetorical Style:

Kelly used a lot of illustration, she showed pictures and diagrams of what she was explaining and what was going on in the pictures. But most of all she was informative. She told us about things we didn’t know, she brought knowledge to us in a video. And the fact that she researched the topic on her own, so she has firsthand experience. So as you could guess, she also used narration. Kelly talked about how she found out, and how she shared it with everyone around her. She, herself informed the people around her. The rhetorical styles in this presentation are as followed: illustration, informative, and narration. She did a kick ass job and I am glad she found out the anatomy so maybe men will realize that their penis is not a toy!

Emily Blaine Article #7

Emily Blaine
Article Summary #7

The Mathematics of Love

Fry, Hannah. “”The Mathematics of Love””, Apr. 2014. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.

Article Summary:

Fry is explaining in this article that it is pretty easy to find a significant other, and she explains it but using dating networks. She throws out OkCupid, and she say that it is better to show off your flaws, and the fact that you put so much information online that you’re imagine should not matter. When you are online you should just be yourself, and Fry states that the less attractive you are the more messages you get. It was pretty interesting, there is a method that if you reject the first 37 percent, and select the next one that comes along it is supposed to be your perfect match. They didn’t say it was 100 percent effective, but it is a method. So the two facts that Fry has listed was, the less attractive the more attention and to reject the first 37 percent of people that try to get to know you. Now the third tip is how to avoid divorce, the best couples are the most successful couples. They have a really low negativity threshold, which is best to avoid divorce.

The whole reason she made this presentation was to bring light on to the fact that the people who start up dating websites, are mathematicians. And Fry wanted to bring light to this so people know that, the people behind everything are really smart. I can see why she brought it to everyone’s attention, people don’t realize, anyone that is behind great technology. Fry gave people great tips for online dating but what about physically? She didn’t mention anything.

Critical thinking:
Personally, I like this presentation. I think that Fry did an amazing job talking about the tips for online dating. But honestly the one and only tip a person needs is: Be yourself. That is how you will find the perfect person, and the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. It is so hard pretending, and then you have to put on this “front” every time you are with that person. It is exhausting, don’t sugar coat things if you think they will fall in love with you, because when they find out the truth, they are going to be pissed and hurt. Why do people desperately try to find their other half? I mean just relax and if it is meant to be then it’s a done deal. But other than that don’t force anything, that is a way to an unsuccessful and dishonest relationship. From my experience, anything that is rushed or moving too fast, it never has a good outcome. Fry was talking about how successful couples have a lesser chance of being divorced and I cannot really agree, most successful relationship, their partner is having an affair. In my mind that is what I think, I am not saying it is true. But going through my mind that is how I see things.

Rhetorical Style:

Fry used Compare and Contrast as her rhetorical style. The reason I say this is because she pointed out differences with the attractive and less attractive guy. And how relationships are more successful if the couples are. I mean she wouldn’t know this unless she compared and contrasted them. I mean the fact that she studied this so well is really amazing but, who has all that time. It is possible that she cited someone else’s research, but even then, they are comparing couples. When they compare the couples, they also compare other couples in order to see the similaries and the differences. That is why I choose Compare and Contrast as the rhetorical style.

Emily Blaine-Article #6

Emily Blaine
Article Summary #6
Group #1

Title: “The Simple Power of Hand-Washing”
Author: Myriam Sidibe
Date Published: Sept.2014
Date Accessed: Feb. 09, 2015

Sidibe, Myriam. “The Simple Power of Hand-washing.”, Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.

Article Summary
In this article Sidibe, talks about washing your hands. If everyone washed their hands it would decrease the spread of germs. In most countries soap is available, of course. Most of the people around the world, they look at soap like a precious commodity. So they use it for their dishes, and laundry, no one ever thinks that they need it after they use the bathroom, or after they sneeze. In this article Sidibe, she mentions how a family lost a newborn. The fact that after a baby is born into this world, and we are surrounded by germs, soap is important around newborns. They don’t have an immune system. She mentioned that if we gave every new mom and their families a bar of soap, the deaths of newborns will decrease. It is sad that most countries are considered poor, and they have soap, but yet no one washes their hands. Even in America, there are plenty of people who do not wash their hands. And in the bathrooms, soap is in there for you to use. But they just walked right past it like it is a suggestion and not mandatory.

Critical thinking
                This article was defiantly and eye-opener, the fact that most people don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom, it doesn’t surprise me. Most men do not wash their hands after the bathroom, which is gross, considering the fact that their bathrooms are usually ten times dirtier than the women’s. I just don’t understand why people in general don’t wash their hands. You are already in the bathroom; the soap is right next to the sink. Is it that hard? And if you don’t wash your hands in public, what do you do at home? Do you even own soap? Of course you do, because you shower don’t you? So why is it that hard to wash your hands?

In this article Sidibe, didn’t really explain why they didn’t wash their hands. She just talked about why they don’t and the importance. If she could have gotten answers from anyone, I wish I actually knew. I really wasn’t to do an anonymous questionnaire and see if people will admit to not washing their hands, and why they think it isn’t mandatory. I do feel really bad about the families all over the world, losing their newborns to germs. I am a mom and the first thing I learned about after I had my son, their immune system is very little. They cannot fight off bacteria like adults, and it is a lot of hand washing and cleaning when a baby is around. But it is worth it to keep them happy and healthy.

Rhetorical Style

Cause and effect, and narration were the two styles that stuck out to me. Cause and effect, in the article she stated that most kids, moms, dads, people, don’t wash their hands when they should. The effect of that is that people can get sick. Newborns can die, people can slowly be dying. It’s a whole process; the whole germ spreading is not good. Sidibe used narration at the end of her article, she mentioned how she was from a very poor area and they had soap, and how a team and she went to visit mothers and newborns. The fact that she used these two styles together brought this article together really well and I hope people think twice before leaving a bathroom and not washing their hands.

Emily Blaine-Article #5

Emily Blaine
Article Summary #5
Group #1

Title: “How Butterflies Self-medicate.”
Author: Jaap de Roode
Date Published: Nov. 2014
Date Accessed: Feb. 09, 2015

De Roode, Jaap. “How Butterflies Self-medicate.”, Nov. 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.

Article Summary
In this article, Roode is very amazed and he shares with everyone that most humans and animals self-medicate. But he brought to light, the fact that butterflies are starting to self-medicate as well. Roode is a biologist and he has been studying butterflies for the last two years. He has discovered that just like humans and animals, butterflies get sick too. When they get sick they self-medicate. They eat a toxic plant that helps them feel better and makes their predators sick. It all started when Roode, gave Monarch butterflies (at the time they were Larva) a choice between two different plants. One was a toxic plant and the other one was non-toxic. He found out that it is a 50-50 chance that only half of them choose that plant. Most of the butterflies, if they were pregnant that would eat the toxic plant to give the babies the same nutrients, and they would lay the eggs on the plant as well. At the end of the day, Roode is amazed that insects are starting to self-medicate. This means they could have found a cure for cancer or any other dangerous diagnoses.  We might be coming to butterflies in the near future to be getting some medications for doctors and the pharmacy to try out.

Critical Thinking
                This article really starting turning gears in my head, what if butterflies can help humans with medication? It’s a crazy thing to even see butterflies self-medicating. When you look at a butterfly you cannot even tell that they are sick or that they need some medicine. And when they are eating how are you supposed to know they are medicating themselves? These questions are what go through my mind when I was watching this video. Honestly, I think it is amazing that butterflies can self-medicate, even animals in general.  People don’t really self-medicate, we take medicine, and anything a doctor prescribes. The fact that Chimps can eat plums to help their intestines and they know that it is pretty amazing. I am blown away by this whole article. I wish I could study these animals, even insects to watch them self-medicate.

Rhetorical Style
 I am not sure which style sticks out, but honestly when I watch the video I feel that Division and Classification was defiantly one of the styles. Narration was the other style that I picked up on too. I chose Division and Classification, Roode spoke about a lot of diseases and he used big words. He broke them down and he explains them. He told us about the illness, and he “dumbed it down” so that any audience could understand anything he was talking about. Narration was also a style I heard. Roode talks about how he did experiments, and how he has been studying butterflies. It was a personal experiment for him. He wanted to share it with us, from a firsthand experience. I would have done the same thing. It is hard to inform an audience on something you read, or watched, when you experience it. You have something to elaborate on. I was very happy I got to watch and see his experience with butterflies and self-medication.

Rachael-Article Summary # 7

Rachael Eddinger

Group 1

Article Summary#7

February 7,2015

Article Source Information

Title:” How Two Write a Novel”

Author: Heather Rose

Website: Nerdy Book Club

Date Written: February 3, 2015

Date Accessed : February 7, 2015

Article Summary

It’s easy to see how the author of this article is such a successful novelist. The whole story is penned, or typed rather, in such an eloquent manner. Her story flows flawlessly; it captivates her readers easily. While this may not be true for all, I especially enjoyed gaining some insight into such a creative mind. She begins her story by describing having tea with a dear friend.  She then proceeds to recreate a very important conversation from that day. ” ‘I think we should write a book together,’ she said to me.” That is exactly what they did. Heather Rose and her friend, Danielle Wood, spent the next three years working on a children’s novel together. Throughout the article, Heather describes what it was like to write a novel with a friend.  As someone who enjoys writing, it was intriguing to get a small peek inside a novelists mind. Oh, what I would do to pick some of my favorite author’s brains. While I have not yet had the opportunity to do so, this author helped to satiate that desire for the time being. I encourage my fellow writers to read this article. By the way, the novel that they wrote is called,”Finding Serendipity.”

My Opinion

As I mentioned in my summary, I truly enjoyed this article. I find that doing an article summary is much easier if you actually enjoy whatever it is that you’re reading. I loved how this author told her story. Although it was more of an excerpt, rather than a full on story, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I can not imagine completing my own novel; believe me, I have tried. Not only did this author complete it, but she did it with another person. Aside from working with an editor, I find it almost inconceivable that two minds could successfully write a work of fiction with little to no problems. Instead of one having creative ruling over another, they worked harmoniously to create one final piece. In my opinion, being a writer is much like being an artist. Seeing two friends work together so well is inspiring.

Rhetorical Style

I believe the rhetorical style being used in this article is narration. The author is clearly telling a story. It seems to me that she simply wanted to tell people of her experience writing a novel with another person. Since this is odd, I can understand why. Her use of narration effectively conveys her feelings on the topic.  While this is a simple style, I think she did a wonderful job of executing it.


Rachael-Article Summary #6

Rachael Eddinger
Group 1
Article Summary #6
February 6, 2015

Article Source Information
Title: “Washington Should Stop Slobbing Over Saudi Arabia:Vicious Frenemy Makes World More Dangerous”
Author: Doug Bandow
Website: Huffington Post
Date Written: February 6, 2015
Date Accessed: February 6, 2015

Article Summary

I believe with this summary, it’s best to begin with the title. The cleverness of the title is

bound to draw in even those who don’t care for politics. After all, with the word “frenemy”

in the title it’s bound to be interesting. As I expected, this author does not disappoint. He

offers an interesting and witty take on the relationship between the United States and

Saudi Arabia. However, I would recommend one thing before reading this article. You

should probably have a dictionary on hand. While the content is interesting,the author

appears to enjoy showing off his intelligence with the use of large, unnecessary words. He

begins by making a haughty remark about the death of Saudi Arabia’s late king. A remark

which is immediately followed by his obvious disgust for the country; His apparent dislike

of Obama’s actions following the death of King Abdullah, were also made quite clear.

He then proceeds to delve into the details of the relationship between our countries.

Between examples of the cruelty of Saudi royalty and the ass-kissing our Presidents have

,allegedly, done to keep the friendship, it is hard to say who he dislikes more. After writing

a few more paragraphs condemning the Saudi’s, he finally comes to his conclusion. In his

conclusion, he says that “Washington should drop the faux intimacy.” A few short

sentences later, he concludes with one more suggestion for the people in

Washington. “Washington should stop celebrating what is just another pact with the

(foreign) devil.” I must say, I couldn’t agree more.

My Opinion

As a naturally opinionated person, I found this article very interesting. The author’s wit and

obvious disdain for Washington’s choices in this matter was comical, to say the least. It is

rare to see someone so blatantly point out the moral corruption of the leaders of this

country. While he may not focus his main attention on the morality of the situation, he

ensures that it is brought up a few times throughout the piece. When it comes to my

opinion on the United States relationship with Saudi Arabia, I find myself torn. In the way

of morality, I can see where there is a huge problem. Being associated with a country

whose moral compass works about as well as a broken toilet, is definitely not

appealing. However, due to our desperate need for the resources that they can offer, I

consider it a necessary evil. Unfortunately, we do not have the authority to control how

these countries are being run. I believe that it would cause more harm than good if we cut

all ties with them. I do, however, agree with this author on one point in particular. He

mentions the idiocy of sending our President to “..offer America’s condolences on King

Abdullah’s death.” In his words,”Riyadh is a moral deadweight and an ally in interest, not a

friend in values.” They are merely business partners, not friends. As such, they should be

treated in a more business-like manner. Hopefully, our government officials will realize this

and promptly remove their heads from Saudi Arabia’s ass.

Rhetorical Style

I would say the rhetorical style used in this article is a combination of two different styles.

Those styles are illustration and argumentation and persuasion. The author uses many

different facts to illustrate a main point. However, he also uses those facts to present an

argument. Based on the facts that he gathered, he argues the morality of our country’s

relationship with Saudi Arabia. He also seems to be trying to persuade not only the

American population, but also our government officials to consider the moral

consequences of said relationship.