Article 5 Ken H.

Title : Is the Internet Destroying Our Attention Span

Author :  Nicole Plumridge

Date Published : August 1st, 2013

Date Accessed : March 31st, 2015


The average attention span for people is dwindling down and this is partly due to the newer generation access to technology and information in a quicker manner. Information is being presented in a faster more accessible, yet more dubious, manner such as bullet points, list, etc. Our brains are beginning to be wired differently due to this an as a result our attention spans have been reduced to roughly 5 minutes where as years ago it was more that twice that.


It makes sense that our attention span would begin to dwindle, the internet has made information more accessible and thus we don’t have any need to be patient or wait to find specific information given that it is readably available on all platforms for all internet enabled devises

Rhetorical Style  

The author shows the internet as a cause and our shrunken attention span as the outcome so he is likely using the Cause and Effect rhetorical style.


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