Ken H. Portfolio/Final Questions

Portfolio Questions:

1. What are the most important things that you have learned this semester about your writing process? If you choose to rewrite any of your assignments tell me which ones you selected and why. If you did not choose to rewrite any of your assignments, select an assignment that you should have rewritten and would have rewritten if you had the time.

One important lesson i leaned this semester was that i dont have to throw my weight around when it comes to diction. I learned that i could communicate effectively and intelligently without having to resort to using larger words. Had i had the time, i would have re-written the personal narrative to make it more compelling and a lot more layered in terms of theme.

2. Do you feel like you have learned how to become a stronger writer, thinker, reader, researcher and speaker in this class? What skills did you pick up in this class that you will be able to take with you and use in another class?

From ENG 111, i learned how to effectively research and analyze different concepts, i also learned to explore different ways of thinking.

3. What was your most favorite writing assignment, and why? What was your least favorite writing assignment, and why?

My favorite writing assignment was the personal narrative because it was the most personal and expressive. I didn’t have a lest favorite writing assignment given that the theme of the semester and subsequent research assignments actually interest me.

4.Which writing assignment was the most difficult for you? Why do you think it was so difficult?

None of the writing assignments where anymore difficult than the other

5. What did you think about the group method? Did you like working in groups?

No i did not. i don’t like being obligated by group grades to work, whether its me picking up others slack or slacking myself, i like for my grade to reflect my effort and my effort only.

6.What did you think about the socratic method? (Sitting around the table, passing notes to partners, limited professor guidance) Did you feel like it gave everyone the opportunity to participate in class? Do you feel like it gave you an opportunity to be more involved in your learning experience. What did you like about it? What didn’t you?

I thought the socratic method was interesting with interesting dynamics. i Think that it was a great way for introverted people to become more integrate into the conversation and add to the dialogue

Research Questions

7. What role did you play in the Great Debate? Did you find the role that you played in the debate to be easy or difficult? What was the most difficult thing that you had to do in preparation for the great debate?

I played the role of a listener. I also researched online shopping. The role wasn’t difficult or taxing in any way. The most difficult task was compiling the information in a debate type manner.

8. What did you think about identifying a rhetorical style for the articles that you were researching? What did you learn from trying to evaluate the point of view of the writer?

I learned how to evaluate and analyze how authors write a specific way so that the reader will digest the content in a specific manner

9.What was most difficult about the research process, locating articles, summarizing the articles, citing the articles or identifying a rhetorical style?

Locating and verifying the authenticity of scenic articles and the information in them was the most difficult aspect of the research process

10. Based on the articles that you reviewed, do you think that you can believe everything that you read? How reliable did you find your sources to be?

I think, while the information may not necessarily be incorrect, a lot of articles present data in a dubious manner so I think any reader invested in the information presented should check sources cited witching articles.

11. Do you feel like you will be comfortable researching difficult topics in the future? How did the research and debate sessions of this class, improve your ability to think critically.

This class definitely prepared me with the proper tools to tackle complex topics
I think the debate process forced me to really internalize the subject matter an know it through and through to discuss it In detail

12. Out of the nine rhetorical styles we studied this semester, which three were your favorite and why?

The narrative style was my favorite style because narrative are easy to relate too. Another personal favorite was the illustration style because it plays to the five senses. My final favorite was the Classification style because of its organized manner

Journaling Questions

13. What did you think about personal journaling? Did you use this process to learn more about yourself? What do you think about this kind of journaling?

I thought the personal journaling was vary useful for relieving stress. I felt like it was useful for learning what was causing stress in my life.

14. For your public journaling, which websites did you use to spur your thinking about different topics? Why were you attracted to this particular website? Did it open your mind to new thoughts about anything?

I was initially attracted to Upworthy because I was already familiar with some of the editors and authors. A lot of the topics on Upworthy where vary compelling and broadened my interests as far as social issues



15. Based on the work that you put into this class, what final grade would you assign to yourself?

I would assign to myself a “B”



1 What is writing?
Writing Is communicating or conveying a thought using a written language
2 What is Critical Thinking and why is it so important to learning how to debate an issue or live your life?
Critical thinking is skeptical thinking. It is also thinking that is properly contextual
3 What is The Basic Essay Structure, why is it so important to master it?
The basic essay structure encompasses an intro, body paragraphs, a closing, and a work cited page. It is important to master so the work and information can be properly arranged
4 What is The Writing Process, what have you learned about it this semester?
The writing process consist of post writing preparation, drafts, source citations, and the actual writing. I learned how to really write and revise a draft.
5 What, do you think is the most important thing that you can learn about Grammar Again!?
How to properly punctuate a sentence
6 Tell me some interesting things about Punky, Pompous, Punctuation.
Punctuation is always within the perentheisis
7 What is the The MLA Style, and why is it important for you to master it before you turn in your research paper?
The MLA style is a formal writing format used in collages around the world
8 Name at least five stages of the writing process.
Pre-Writing, Reserch, Drafts, revision, Final Draft,
9 What sorts of things have you really thought critically about this semester, please explain why you would label this thinking as “critical.”
Given the racial climate in America, I found myself pondering things like White Supremacy, Eurocenticism, and Colonialism
10 What do you think is the most important thing that one can do to prepare for a debate.
Reserch thoroughly and anticipate your opponents response

1 What was the most interesting thing that you learned about technology this semester?
I was unaware of how quickly technology was replacing humans in the work force
2 What was the most outrageous thing that you learned about technology this semester?
By 2020, 50% of the work force will be replaced by technology
3 Based on the debate, do you have a greater awareness of how technology is influencing our world, if so how has your understanding of technology expanded?
My awareness of technology remained relatively the same as it was prior to the Debate
4 Based on the debate, do you have any strong opinions about whether technology is improving our world (heaven on earth) or degrading it (hell in a handbasket)?
No, I think judging now is ineffective, there are a lot of factors that are bound to change so my opinion as it is now occupies a gray area where I agree with those who hate technology but also with those who love it

5 What does Hal say to Dave that has become so iconic (among software programmers) that Siri says it, if you ask her Dave’s question.

“Open the pod bay doors”

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