Category Archives: Research

Rachael- Research Paper Draft 1

Hey Professor,

I realize the formatting is off, but here is the first rough draft. Again, I didnt see requirements until it was too late so please let me know if I need to re-do it.

Thank you- Rachael


Rachael Eddinger                                                                                                                              Eddinger,1
Professor Amber Maiden
ENG 111
March 10,2015

Technology and the Written Word

“Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.”
― Stephen Fry

Oh technology, how I despise you at times. You have infiltrated my home, my school and now my library? I have accepted that you are an inevitable part of my life, but stay away from my books.The books that whisk me away to other worlds. Worlds where I have lived so many different lives.Worlds where I’ve known true love, despair and heroism. My books are my life-line. I know many may say that the books are still there. In fact, they are more accessible than they have ever been. While that may be true, you’ve taken the beauty of the printed word and turned it into something cold. I fear that I will no longer be able to feel the page between my fingers as I anxiously flip to the next portion of whatever story has my undivided attention at the time. No, now you have taken my books and turned them into something else entirely. Online readers cannot be truly swept away by a good story with the constant interruptions caused by social media, email and all of that other online garbage. So technology, stay away. You can have all the other stuff, but leave me my books.
While I’m sure that I am not the only one who thinks this way, there are many who would heartily disagree. Today’s technology has opened many doors for authors, readers and publishers alike. Authors can now write, market and publish their work online. Readers are able to find and buy any book they could ever dream of online. Publishers now have a larger, more accessible forum to find talented writers. All of this is good, right? Sure, it’s easier, but what is it doing to us as a whole? How have these e-books affected us economically? Will they render printed versions obsolete? Every area
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of the written word has been affected by technology. However, I wonder just how many people have looked extensively into the subject. Considering this is a research paper, I suppose finding the answers to these questions falls on me. So, let’s begin shall we?
The first area of this subject that I’d like to explore is publishing. Publishing has undergone some major changes in this technological era. Peter Osnos, an editor and writer for The Atlantic, had this to say about publishing in today’s world, “The biggest change in publishing, as with society in general, came with the arrival of computers.”(Osnos, The Atlantic) He is absolutely correct. While the computers of the ’80s weren’t a major threat to the publishing industry, what they are contending with today may be an entirely different story. The internet has opened up a world of possibilities for potential authors with the invention of blogs, websites such as Wattpad and most importantly, selfpublishing
websites. Sure, a lot of writers who try to self-publish see just how difficult the whole
publishing process is. However, that hasn’t stopped them from doing it. There are only 2,652 publishing companies in the United States. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, the job outlook for editors from 2012-22 is negative two percent. Dreaming of working at a publishing house? Considering this number even includes editors who work from home, you can go ahead and toss that dream out the window. I wonder how much technology had to do with that? I do have to praise technology on it’s affects on self-publishing, however. “EXLUSIVE Bowker data (released in advance of official reporting) shows that self-published output has grown by 422% over the past five years and is up 58% in the last year alone.”(Vinjamuri,

       Self-publishing can either work out fabulously or fail epically. Many writers who are self-publishing their work could use the help of an editor who could vastly improve their work. “ Publishers were unhappy with selfpublishing because readers were drowning in cheap, unedited books.”(Vinjamuri,
Surprisingly enough, despite the complaints of poor grammar, this growth in self-publishing has
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actually helped publishers in a way. Authors who have successfully self-published a best-seller are being recognized by traditional publishers who fear missing out on the next big thing. “IndieReader, reports that at least 18 self-published authors have signed traditional publishing contracts over the past year.”(Vinjamuri, Apparently when E.L. James’ self-published series-Fifty Shades of Grey- swept the nation, publishers began taking self-publishing much more seriously. So therein lies the real question. Will self-publishers render traditional publishers obsolete? Or will they simply adapt
to the challenges caused by the ever-improving technology available today?
The next major thing in this subject that technology has majorly effected is the face behind thebooks: the writers. The websites ,and apps, available for writers have impacted these books in an undeniably huge way. Whether you decide to write a blog, create a story on Wattpad or find freelance work on Elance, the opportunity to write is definitely there. Merely a decade ago none of this was possible. Hunting for freelance work was both time-consuming and many times, fruitless. Writing a story that reached thousands of people in a very small amount of time was quite literally impossible.
Blogging was not a term recognized in every day conversation. These changes have been extremely beneficial for the writing community. Between Tumblr, WordPress, Weebly and a few other sites, there are millions of blogs. That’s right millions! I’m sure Jane Austin and Mark Twain are turning over in their graves. Writing for mass amounts of people wasn’t so easy back then. While I’m sure we have all marked accessibility down as a positive of technology, in any field, there are many negative affects of this accessibility. As Vinjamuri stated in his article for, “..readers were drowning in cheap, unedited books.”(Vinjamuri, This is so true that I feel like jumping up and down
screaming “Yes! Someone, for the love of all things holy, edit these blogs and stories!” Some authors fail to realize that simply because they can post their work online without editing, doesn’t mean that they should. So many good stories have been ruined by the lack of readability. This is one of the downsides of Wattpad. I am a huge fan of this site. However as an a avid user and passionate reader it
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pains me to see good content destroyed by terrible grammar. With all of the technology available to aid writers in spotting and correcting these mistakes, it is a pity that more don’t use it. Of course with every negative there is almost always a positive to counteract it. “One of the greatest benefits of Wattpad is a direct connection between writers and 30 million readers, all over the world.” (Wattpad) From personal experience, I can tell you that while not everyone on Wattpad takes advantage of it, there are plenty of editors throughout the site. Considering there are 30 million readers, I would be highly disappointed if there were no editors to be found. All of this technology has played an exponential part in the evolution of writing. There are far too many aspects of writing for me to mention in one paper, so I will move on to my last point.
The most important part of this industry is the readers. They are the ones who determine what book will be a best-seller. They are the ones who decide the fate of these books. Will they become a national phenomenon? Or will they forever sit on a shelf covered in a layer of dust? Readers and writers are interdependent. Writers rely on their readers to give them feedback on their work. Authors who chose to base their entire career, their life, on writing depend on their readers to put money in the bank and food on the table. Readers trust their favorite authors to provide them with an escape, information or even an exciting adventure. They believe in a writer’s ability to dole out an amazing piece of work that will keep them riveted throughout it’s entirety.
So what has technology done for the average reader? It has given them the opportunity to read stories written by their peers. It has made buying their favorite books easier through E-books, Kindle and such. “Amazon said it sold 143 Kindle books for each 100 hardcover books last quarter. (Last month alone, it sold 180 e-books sold for every 100 hardcover books sold.)”(Yarrow,Business Insider) This number wasn’t surprising to me. With all of the technology available today, why wouldn’t readers by books online? It offers the luxury of having a library right there at your fingertips. This has been the most important thing technology has done for readers and this industry as a whole. It has ruined book

stores. It has diminished libraries. However, it has also made reading an even more accessible pastime.

        After extensive research into this subject, I discovered there was not as much data as I had hoped to find. However, it doesn’t take a large number of statistics to see how much technology has affected this industry. While I do see all of the positive affects, I still believe the negative outweigh them by far. The sloppiness of self-publishing, the questionable reliability in blogging and the lack of editing on sites like Wattpad have all been contributing factors in one of the most negative things of all. They have changed the way many readers think. Will we, as readers, settle for imperfect writing and bad story-lines? Will we let the never-changing romance stories take over? What happened to the great
minds of people like C.S. Lewis, or J.R. Tolkien? Do you really want my opinion on technology? Technology is a leech. If it was an isolated incident, it wouldn’t be very harmful, simply irritating. However, the more areas of our life we allow technology, the more it will drain from us. Technology ,in this industry in particular, has and will continue to affect the quality of books that will be produced in the future. It is my belief that the future generation will read less and less quality material. Technology is going to continue to corrupt the minds of younger generations until there is no semblance of
individual thought remaining. I, for one, refuse to relinquish my books. Technology may be a part of every aspect of my life, but it will never replace the classic stories that I have proudly stored in my home.

             “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,      the more places you’ll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Rachael Eddinger

Professor Amber Maiden

ENG 111

March 12,2015

Works Cited

“All You Need Are Words.” Write on Wattpad. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

“Book Sales Statistics.” – Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Book Store Sales Numbers Annual Update. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

“Occupation Profile: Editors – Virginia Education Wizard.” Occupation Profile: Editors – Virginia Education Wizard. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.


“Summary.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

Vinjamuri, David. “Is Publishing Still Broken? The Surprising Year In Books.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 04 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

Yarow, Jay. “How Many Kindle Books Has Amazon Sold? About 22 Million This Year.” Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 20 July 2010. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <;.

Week 4 Pop Quiz (February 3)

1. What are the five topics that the class has agreed upon for the debate ( We will vote on this)

2. Who is responsible for researching which issues? (Here I will need to see everyone’s name, as well as the one or two, or if you really want to be adventurous three, topics that each individual has selected to focus upon with regard to the debate. All Hands on Deck Here!)

3. Based upon the research that each of you has conducted thus far, which topics have you already touched upon? Which topics interest your group the most? Where did you find these articles and do you find your source to be credible, reliable and accurate?

4. What did Larry Page have to say about the future of Google? Why is he NOT a reliable source on Google? What valuable information did Page provide regarding Google?

5. What did we learn from Jeremy Howard about the amazing and terrifying implications of computers learning? What kind of complex and conflicted issues does this raise for humans in the future with regard to our use of “smart” technology and devices? What is a pathologist and why is his job seriously in jeopardy right now?

6. What is going on with the money? Why are the statistics on wealth distribution in American, (as provided by on You Tube) troubling? Do you think that wealth distribution is this uneven in the rest of the world? What, if anything, do you think technology has to do with these huge imbalances in America, and the world’s wealth distribution systems?

7. What interesting things does Margaret Stewart Gould have to say about software programs/web/social media design? Give an example of how software programs/web/social media designers are using psychology to manipulate the masses. Provide an example of how you have been manipulated by a particular social media platform or web design or software program.

8. Why is ” Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal.” such a tremendously frightening reference? (One that is apparently so popular among software designers that various comical, clever and kwirky responses to that phrase have been embedded in the I-phone software?   What did Hal’s response to this command mean for Dave – the astronaut who delivered it? What does it mean to any human who relies upon “smart” technology?

9. In the You tube video, “Shift Happens,” (created by American educators who  wanted to illustrate the obstacles that these “exponential times” are creating for both teachers and students) there are two extraordinary facts (at least to me)  provided regarding how drastically and quickly the technology we use is changing, not only within itself, but the world around us. One drastic change is with regard to mass communication.

Mass communication is an incredibly powerful force, that has really only been in full effect (as far as we know) for about a century. It took the radio 35 years to reach an audience of 50 million listeners. It took Facebook two. Given that these two modes of mass communication are drastically different, what do you think the ramifications are, for this gem of a fact?

10. Also in “Shift Happens” it is predicted that in 2013 a super computer that can exceed the computational abilities of the whole entire human species. Do you think such a computer has been created? If it has, are your afraid? Are you, very, very afraid? (I am. I’m just being honest.)


Why did I select “Irreplacable” for song analysis, this week? What could it possibly have to do with this week’s discussion on technology?

Did the IT Instruction Department provide useful direction on how to access the internet with your IPad? Please provide useful feedback, as this is a new thing that they are doing and they really need and would appreciate your feedback!

It’s the Economy STUPID!

Capitalist Greed v. Socialist Need Reliable Sources

Capitalist Side

Most people have not the slightest clue, not even a basic understanding of the economic systems that drive our American economy, or the enormous pressures that are tearing them apart. Last semester, Fall 2014, I had my students debating the pros and cons of capitalism and socialism in America, most of them left, mind blown when they realized so much of what they did not know!

Anyway, if you care about money in the slightest…if you care about the economic systems you live and breath and most likely will die within, you need to check out some of the resources below and get a clue!

The Washington Times

Basic Conservative News

The Heritage Foundation

conservative news that especially focuses on wealth, right biased

Americans for Prosperity

conservative news that especially focuses on wealth, right biased

The Wall Street Journal



The cool thing about this blog, is it leads you to a number of other news sources


Socialist Side

The Huffington Post

Basic news and opinion – politically to the left


Good information on what is happening with American workforce – left biased

Think Progress – left biased

MotherJones – left baised

National Public radio – left biased

Search Terms:

wealth inequality, American economy, American workforce, recession, regulation, deregulation, war on poverty, student loans, Koch brothers, climate change, global warming, minimum wage increase, living wage, unemployment, unemployment insurance, social security, job creation, trickle down economics, food stamps, public schools, charter schools, crony capitalism, NAFTA, unions, union busting, walmart employees, fast-food employees


Capitalist Greed: Greed is Good

Wealth Creation

Capitalism can create enormous wealth, if  governments disregards human rights

Capitalism/Globalism maximizes profit by using slave labor

Capitalism/Globalism maximizes profit by  keeping wages low, worker’s rights to a minimum

Pope says current global economy not sustainable



Mortgage Lending Crisis, NAFTA, Multinational Corporations

Trickle Down Economics

Has trickle down economics caused wealth inequality? Capitalist argue no, socialist argue yes. One of the ideas of trickle down economics is that when the rich are taxed less, they will have more money to create larger businesses are thus more and better jobs. This clearly has not happened, since the 2008 recession, unemployment has been an all time high, and the jobs that are coming back, are not ones that necessarily pay a living wage. Should companies be required to pay living wages, offering full-time jobs, with benefits? (Socialist say yes) Or should Americans be willing to accept that part-time work, with few to no benefits is the new normal in the global economy, (capitalist would say yes). What positive argument can the capitalist make for trickle down economics?


Wealth Inequality


Koch Brothers

Are the Koch brothers (billionaires who have been accussed of everything from causing catrastrophic amounts of pollution to corrupting the American political system), good examples of capitalism at work in America? (Socialist would say no because of the cost of Koch, capitalist would say yes, because Koch are very wealthy, became self-made billionaires through hard work, and understand how economic systems really work) Democrats tout them as pure evil, some conservatives frame them as misunderstood billionaires who are trying to do the right thing in America. What do you think?

Americans for Prosperity and Voter Supression




Union Busting, (Koch Brothers)  Job losses, Wage Suppression/Wage Abuse/Slavery

War and War on Terror

Pope says current global economy based on war mongering


War in Iraq – War Mongering, Creation of ever more violent terrorist groups

Arab Spring

Environmental Issues

global warming, pollutants in the environment, products and food sources and water

Capitalism/Globalism is not sustainable

Capitalism has impacted Climate Change

Capitalism has Caused Massive Pollution on earth and oceans

Capitalism has Caused Our Food Sources to be Contaminated with Pesticides

Capitalism has Caused Our Food Sources to be Industrialized, Unhealthy, and Unsustainable

Capitalism’s Energy Requirements Are Not Sustainable

Capitalism’s Energy Requirements Are Polluting/Diminishing the Earth’s Fresh Water Sources


Socialist Need: A Safety Net is Needed To Protect the Masses from Unchecked Greed

Minimum Wage

Do we need an increase in the minimum wage, to offset wealth inequality? Capitalist say no, Socialist say yes.

Living on minimum wage-




The War on Poverty

Has the war on poverty been effective in America? Capitalist say no, socialist say yes.

History of the War on Poverty –

Child poverty –

Poverty According to race –

Poverty –

Poverty –



Food stamps –


Public School Systems

Are public schools still working in America? Have they ever worked? (Socialist would argue yes, capitalist would argue no, and argue for privatization of public schools.)



Unemployment, Underemployment and the Working Poor

Since the 2008 recession, unemployment has been an all time high, and the jobs that are coming back, are not ones that necessarily pay a living wage. Should companies be required to pay living wages, offering full-time jobs, with benefits? (Socialist say yes) Or should Americans be willing to accept that part-time work, with few to no benefits is the new normal in the global economy, (capitalist would say yes).

Wealth inequality and unemployment


Nick Hanuer  on Wage Inequality

The New job Market

Obamacare/Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security

Student Loan Program

Debt/Default Crisis


Affordable Housing Programs

Other Articles of Interest

Capitalism v. Socialism


Socialism vs Capitalism: Milton Friedman.


Milton Friedman Versus A Socialist



TED On Economic Systems



Interesting Articles in Favor of  U.S. Capitalism

10 Greatest Benefits of Capitalism


10 Reasons Capitalism Sucks!




A Blog In Favor of Capitalism



A True Form of Capitalism


This article provides a great overview of how the current system of capitalism, that is in place in American, became incredibly crooked and broken. Everyone MUST read.



The Capitalist Case for Minimum Wage Hike




Articles Against Capitalism

Considerations for and Against Capitalism


Six Arguments for the Elimination of Capitalism


The Case Against Capitalism in Five Minutes or Less×809008


China’s All Seeing Eye


Articles for Socialism


Countering Tea Party Arguments


The Lemonade Stand


Articles Against Socialism


Love’s Magic Number


The Magic # of Love
by Brian Johnson

John Gottman knows relationships. He can watch a couple interact in his lab and be able to tell you within minutes (and with a stunning accuracy) which couple’s relationships will endure and which will dissolve.

One of his key factors? The 5:1 ratio.

To survive/thrive, his research shows that a couple needs to have 5 positive interactions for every 1 negative interaction.

Not 1:1. 5:1.

A positive interaction? You know, appreciations like, “I really love the way you shine when you walk into a room.” Or, “When I hear you laugh, I just have to smile. Your laugh is one of my favorite sounds in the world.” (Two of my personal favorites for my love. :))

A negative interaction? How about, “Why didn’t you do what you said you’d do?” Or, “How many times do we have to talk about this?” (Um…two of my other favorites. Ahem. :))

One of the key tenants of Gay & Katie Hendricks’ Lasting Love and Conscious Living (that we’ll be coming back to again and again) is the concept of Appreciation. Consciously practice appreciating your partner (and every other person with whom you want a deeper, more vibrant relationship!) today. Make it a game! See if you can get to 10:1. Then things will start to really take off. 🙂

How many positive interactions do you think you have with your loved ones? How many negatives? Are you reaching the magic number? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Revision Checklist

Revision Checklist

After you finish brainstorming, try to work on a first draft. After, you write your first draft, you will want to begin the revision process. Remember the following tips:

*Take a break from your draft- set it aside for a few hours or even a day.


·   *Read the draft aloud, and listen to what you have written.

·   *Imagine yourself as one of your readers, does your writing interest you?

·   *Get feedback from a friend, a classmate or a colleague.

·   *Get help from a tutor at your college writing center or lab.

Research Questions and Journal Prompt

100 Questions
by Brian Johnson

“Great minds ask great questions.”

~ Michael Gelb from How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Everyday

Got a journal? If not, time to get one!

Da Vinci carried his everywhere. So should you.

Jot down your ideas, thoughts, questions, dreams, whatever. As you gain more clarity and creativity, you’ll be glad you did.

[Did you know: In 1994, Bill Gates bought 18 sheets (of the 7,000 existing) from da Vinci’s notes for 30.8 million bucks. Not bad, eh?]

Here’s an incredible exercise for that new journal of yours. It’s called “100 Questions” and goes like this:

Find a comfortable place. Sit down. Write. Make a list of 100 questions you find interesting. Write about whatever’s on your mind. Questions can range from “Why is the sky blue?” and “How can I optimize my health?” to “What are my greatest strengths?” and “What am I most passionate about?”

Odds are that the first few questions will flow and then it will be a little tougher. Fight through the desire to walk away and finish them all in one sitting. Then read through your list and note the themes that emerge. Consider these emerging themes without judging them. Are your questions about Business? Relationships? Self-Growth? Money? The Meaning of Life?

Top 10 Questions.

Once you’ve done that, review your list of 100 questions and choose the 10 that you find most significant. Then rank them in importance from 1 to 10.

The questions I came up with 6 years ago when I first did this exercise have guided my life since. Without exaggeration, this is probably the most powerful exercise I’ve ever done.

So what’re you waiting for?!? Go find some quiet time and start asking those questions! 🙂

(Extra: I highly recommend the book. In it (along with allllll kinds of other great ideas), Gelb provides a host of other exercises as well as a set of “power questions” including one of the most powerful questions I have ever pondered:

What if I could find some way to get paid for doing what I love?”

This one simple question has shaped my life more than any other.)

[ My questions? On Saturday, June 8th, 2001, I wrote these ten questions:

  1. How do I master myself and control my will/how do I become a warrior? [I was into Way of the Peaceful Warrior at that stage.]
  2. What is love? How do I live with agape, philos and eros?
  3. What is the optimal life? How do I live this life?
  4. What is health? How do I achieve optimal health/energy/power?
  5. What is important to me?
  6. How can I inspire others to reach their potential and to love life?
  7. Who are the 10 greatest wisdom philosophers?
  8. Who are the 10 greatest examples of this wisdom in action?
  9. What is living in the moment? How do I do that?
  10. Why is religion so widespread?

Wow. Just typing those out gave me goosebumps… seeing how much they have influenced my life…

I hope you do the exercise!!! ]

Remember, doing research is a matter of collecting information and properly organizing it. You will begin your research for your final research paper in this assignment. In this assignment you need to do four things: 1. select a topic; 2. make a list of questions that you want to be able to answer about your topic 3. develop a list of sources, at least three books that you will use in your research, and three online sources you will use and 4. take notes from your sources.

 1. What is your topic? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Create at least ten questions that you would like to answer about this topic:
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List Your Sources:

Source 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Source 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Source 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Source 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Source 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Research Notes


What do you take notes on? Any information that you will use to support your thesis. Typically this might be facts, statistics, anecdotal accounts, expert opinions, case studies, surveys, reports, results of experiments.

When you take notes, there are several different types of notes that you can take. For example most research papers should make good use of quotes. By that I mean, you want to quote an expert who says something insightful, provocative, and meaningful or in some way shape or form sheds light into your topic. Therefore when you take notes, it is okay to write down the information exactly is it is written in your text or online source, but when you do that, you want to be sure that you use quotations so that you will remember that this is a direct quote. You also need to state the author and the source. For more on direct quote notes read TLW 570-572.

Besides direct quotes you can also do a summary notation, whereby you will summarize the relevant statements, facts, information. You will basically take someone else’s ideas and restate them in your own words. Summary notes are the better kind of notes to take, because by taking summary notes you drastically cut down on unintentional plagiarism, which is something that you are very likely to do unintentionally, if you are always copying words from the text verbatim, or cutting and pasting words verbatim from the source. Just as with direct quotes you still need to identify where you got the information from, book, article, and author. For more on summary notes read TLW 572-574.

You can also paraphrase and combine notes. For more on this type of note taking check out TLW 574-577.


Writing a research paper is about answering a question, really. For the purpose of this class, you need to find a question about technology hat is of utmost importance to YOU; and then figure out how you are going to answer that question.

Locating Sources

Once you have selected your topic, y begin your research.  Your research sources must be legitimate. Wikipedia is not, for example, a legitimate source, because anyone can upload the information to Wikipedia, it is not checked by fact-checkers, and it may not be accurate, but it is always a good place to start your research as it can lead you to more accurate sources.

We will have a workshop in the library to specifically go over how to use the library to locate both hardcopy and online resources for your research paper.The key to good research is reading, reading, reading! You have to read a lot to write a really good research paper, because you have to not only learn about your topic  but you have to take notes and organize them, and then take all of that information and incorporate it into a cohesive paper, that adequately supports and defends your thesis. This takes time and it takes following though on many, many steps. This is why we are start the research process earl, as opposed t o later in the semester. The sooner you start working on this paper, the less overwhelming this process will be. You need to read up on your topic and take notes every week from now until you actually start to write the paper.

In order to keep track of your sources, you need to record: the author, book title, copyright date and publisher, as soon as you begin reading the book. If this is an online source, you will need, at the very least author of the online material or website, the website address, date of publication, and the date you pulled the information from the site.

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Contributed by Barbara Fowler, Longview Community College.

The following are definitions of Critical Thinking according to the people who write textbooks and articles on the subject. While this does not make them automatically correct, it does indicate that they have spent some time thinking about the topic. The best definition for Critical Thinking may well be your own – to help with that task, the best approach to the topic I found was written by Peter A. Facione, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Santa Clara University. Attributes of a Critical Thinker. A Critical Thinker:

  • asks pertinent questions
  • assesses statements and arguments
  • is able to admit a lack of understanding or information
  • has a sense of curiosity
  • is interested in finding new solutions
  • is able to clearly define a set of criteria for analyzing ideas
  • is willing to examine beliefs, assumptions, and opinions and weigh them against facts
  • listens carefully to others and is able to give feedback
  • sees that critical thinking is a lifelong process of self-assessment
  • suspends judgment until all facts have been gathered and considered
  • looks for evidence to support assumption and beliefs
  • is able to adjust opinions when new facts are found
  • looks for proof
  • examines problems closely
  • is able to reject information that is incorrect or irrelevant

Ferrett, S. Peak Performance (1997)

Critical Readers are:

  • willing to spend time reflecting on the ideas presented in their reading assignments
  • able to evaluate and solve problems while reading rather than merely compile a set of facts to be memorized
  • logical thinkers
  • diligent in seeking out the truth
  • eager to express their thoughts on a topic
  • seekers of alternative views on a topic
  • open to new ideas that may not necessarily agree with their previous thought on a topic
  • able to base their judgments on ideas and evidence
  • able to recognize errors in thought and persuasion as well as to recognize good arguments
  • willing to take a critical stance on issues
  • able to ask penetrating and thought-provoking questions to evaluate ideas
  • in touch with their personal thoughts and ideas about a topic
  • willing to reassess their views when new or discordant evidence is introduced and evaluated
  • able to identify arguments and issues
  • able to see connections between topics and use knowledge from other disciplines to enhance their reading and learning experiences

Schumm, J. S. and Post, S. A. (1997). Executive Learning, 282.

Uses of Critical Thinking:

“Underlies reading, writing, speaking, and listening . . . the basic elements of communication”

Plays an important part in social change . . . institutions in any society – courts, governments, schools, businesses – are the products of a certain way of thinking.”

“Helps us uncover bias and prejudice.”

“Is a path to freedom form half-truths and deceptions.”

“The willingness to change one point of view as we continue to examine and re-examine ideas that may seem obvious. Such thinking takes time and the willingness to say three subversive words: I don’t know.”

Critical thinkers: distinguish between fact and opinion; ask questions; make detailed observations; uncover assumptions and define their terms; and make assertions based on sound logic and solid evidence.

Ellis, D. Becoming a Master Student, 1997.