Category Archives: Video Content


Okay, TED is an AWESOME Resource!

Checkout the Playlists and Choose Wisely! TED is an AWESOME Resource!

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, therefore TED is an AWESOME resource where we can begin our research. That research may ultimately lead us to some different places

Playlist (20 talks): The most popular talks of 2014

In 2013 Edward Snowden leaked thousands of classified American National Security Agency documents, sparking a global conversation about citizens’ rights to privacy on the Internet
Poet and educator
Jamila Lyiscott weaves words about language, education and the African Diaspora.

Dave Troy (TED Talk: Social maps that reveal a city’s intersections — and separations) makes “people maps,” graphics that visualize cities and communities by people’s interests rather than their geography. Here he looks at the divides in St. Louis, Missouri, and asks if we might use this kind of analysis to predict the next Ferguson.

BCG’s Yves Morieux researches how corporations can adapt to a modern and complex business landscape.
Bionics designer
At MIT, Hugh Herr builds prosthetic knees, legs and ankles that fuse biomechanics with microprocessors to restore normal gait, balance, speed — and perhaps to enhance.
Public-interest lawyer
Bryan Stevenson is the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, fighting poverty and challenging racial discrimination in the criminal justice system
Social Psychologist
Amy Cuddy’s research on body language reveals that we can change other people’s perceptions — and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions.
David Christian teaches an ambitious world history coursve that tells the tale of the entire universe — from the Big Bang 13 billion years ago to present day.
ALL The Playlists on Ted
Digital Lives – You Must Select A Video From this List to Summarize or Journal

Playlist (14 talks): Planes, trains and automobiles

 Really interesting advances in technology here, please try to watch a few of these.

Playlist (9 talks): Climate change: Oh, it’s real.

Playlist (11 talks): Freedom rising
Modern Day Slavery Homes

Iwan Baan: Ingenious homes in unexpected places

Love Letters to Strangers
Letter enthusiast
Hannah Brencher believes in the power of pen and paper, and has started a global initiative that encourages strangers to exchange love letters


Defending International Human Rights Laws

International litigator
American lawyer Kimberley Motley is the only Western litigator in Afghanistan’s courts; as her practice expands to other countries, she thinks deeply about how to build the capacity of rule of law globally.